Organization Introduction
「噪咖事務所」為新媒體藝術類策劃團隊,主要成員為藝術家王仲堃、財團法人數位藝術基金會董事長黃文浩、台北數位藝術中心技術總監林維源。三位來自藝術、文科、 理工等不同領域的跨域合作,以自身資源與條件形成聯盟,將相關研發、設計、創作等能量相互整合,以推動新媒體藝術、裝置創作、科技藝術文創商品等發展為目標,主要呈現在數位藝術展覽、公共藝術、教育活動、文創空間等面向。
“Noise Kitchen” is a team focusing on new media art with main members of Chung-Kun Wang, Wen-Hao Huang and Wei-yuan Lin. The three mentioned comes with different professional specialties and the ability to integrate relevant ideas in R&D, design and creation together. By doing so, Noise Kitchen sets its goal to the development of installation creation, creative merchandises and promoting new media art; the results will be presented and be seen in digital art exhibitions, public art works, educational events and cultural/creative spaces.